nedjelja, 21. prosinca 2008.
konjic za djecu
jela bajcana u bijelo
-za djecu od 1,5 - 4 godine
Cijena - 1,500 kn (drvo smreka-jela)
-dostava u okolici Zagreba besplatna
Jedan zanimljivi clanak Sam Maloof-a
" -Oni koji su dovoljno snazni da zaobidju sve ono sto su ucili u skolama ce se razvijati i rasti.
Ljudi su me pitali kako razvijam dizajn!Tu su tri stvari koje treba istaknuti: oko,ruka i srce.Ako nemate tu kombinaciju,sta god da radite nece bit uspjesno.Vidim toliko puno namjestaja koje jednostavno nema srca,namjestaj bez duse.
Ima jako puno dobrih stolara koji mogu uzet neciji crtez,interpretirati ga i napraviti komad namjestaja.Svatko moze nauciti koristiti se sa strojevima.
Mislim da je najbolje kad osoba koja dizajnira i proizvodi objekte.Dizajn je onaj koji je tezak.
Sposobnost da se uradi dobar dizajn dize se iz specijalne kvalitetne vizije,¸iz posebnog talenta; ili si rodjen s time ili nisi.(dakako talent moze biti neaktivan ako se ne koristi).
Dizajn ne postoji samo na papiru.on prodire u svaki korak u stvaranju komada namjestaja.Za mene,individualnost stola ili stolice pocinje izabirom drveta kojeg cu oblikovat.
Noga stolca moze odjednom izgledati malo teza ili tabla stola pretanka.Kad se to desi promjenim ih.Sretao sam nekoliko dobrih majstora diljem europe.Bili su jako dobri majstori.Mogli su pratiti nacrte do najmanjeg detalja,ali takav rad je presterilan jer su slijedili crtez mehanicki i doslovno.Kad su sami dizajnirali rezultat nije bio bas najbolji.Jednostavan oblik je najteze dizajnirat i najteze za napravit.Pokusaji da se bude drukciji su rezultat da se bude domisljat a imaju malu vrijednost.Biti orginal samo zato da bi bio orginal ne vodi nikuda; Dizaj napravljen da impresionira mozda prezivi prvi udar ali opet mozda i ne.Opet duplicirati prosla ili sadasnja djela jednostavno je neplodno:jednostavno je nemoguce unaprijediti recimo Chippendale-ov komad.
Dizajner-majstor je onaj koji nije samo sposoban dizajnirat vec i napravit taj objekt.Mislim da je razlog zasto je toliko industrijskog dizajna bezdusno jer osoba koja dizajnira nikad nije nista uradila u svom zivotu.Netko drugi je cak i prototip napravio....
Za mene nije dovoljno biti samo dizajner.Ja volim izazov dizajniranja i stvarati svaki komad; crtez,shema na drvetu,spajanje,oblikovanje,brusenje i finish.Ja sam potpuno ukljucen.Zelim raditi kako mi dodje,promijeniti izgled drveta u objekt koji pridonosi necemu lijepo i korisno u zivotu.Raditi za sebe daje mi osjecaj zadovoljstva i mira.Neki su nazvali taj osjecaj terapeutski i emocionalni ispusni otvor,samodopadno snobizam.Bez obzira na kritiku,raditi kako zelimo je bogomdana privilegija.Osobno se nadam da se taj osjecaj prenosi na one koji koriste moj namjestaj koji sam dizajnirao i napravio."
by Sam Maloof
"Ray Charles couldn't see my furniture, but he said he could feel that it had soul. When he asked about my rocker, his host told him 'That's a chair made by Sam Maloof.' Ray ran his hands over the wood shouting, 'I know this man ! I know this man !'
On his next visit, the first thing Ray Charles said was, 'I'd like to touch that furniture again that Sam Maloof made."
Sam Maloof je rodjen 1916 to znaci da covjek ima 93 godine zivahan kao da je jos uvijek djecak,i jos uvijek stvarai dizajnira namjestaj.
On nije cudo,on je samo covjek!
ne cita url pa evo ovako:
video sam maloof :
subota, 20. prosinca 2008.
utorak, 16. prosinca 2008.
Dekori od punog drveta za fronte elementa,zidni paneli isl..
srijeda, 10. prosinca 2008.
ponedjeljak, 1. prosinca 2008.
What Is Studio Furniture and Why Do I Need It?
odlican post je napisao Adam( King Studio)..nazalost nije na hrvatskom mozda prevedem jednog lijepog dana :)
When people discover what I do, they are naturally very curious. I get the usual questions about where I studied, how I got into furniture making, what I make, etc. When I begin to elaborate on the subject, I almost always receive a look that seems to communicate some skepticism. This is the point where they either lose interest completely, or they throw down the challenge for me to justify my existence as a studio furniture maker.
“What is studio furniture and why would I need it when I can go buy furniture from the store?”
Good question. In my About Page, you’ll see that I come from a line of retail furniture store owners. In fact our family retail furniture business has been a pillar in the community for over 80 years! I’m not against purchasing furniture from a retail store. In fact, my desk chair, my bed, my couch; all of these came from our store. So, if we can get all the furniture we need from a store, then why would we need to even consider having a craftsman design and build a custom piece of studio furniture?
What is Studio Furniture?
Studio furniture is defined as: “one-of-a-kind or limited production furniture objects designed and built by craftspeople. The work is made in a craftsperson's studio setting as opposed to being made in a high volume factory.”
Simply put, studio furniture is individually designed and crafted by skilled artists in a very intimate studio, or workshop setting. It’s this detail that sets studio furniture apart from all the rest. What’s the distinction? The Human Element.
In a factory you have many people and many machines cranking out piece after piece. Yes, human hands are part of the process, but the intimate connection is lost between maker and material. Studio furniture, however, is a result of that connection. The hands, eyes, intellect, soul, and spirit are all tools used by the craftsman to make the piece, and therefore are also hallmarks of quality studio furniture.
Why Do I Need It?
As I mentioned earlier, I am not opposed to factory furniture in our lives. I own some myself. The fact is, for most of us, it isn’t feasible to furnish our entire home with one-of-a-kind hand crafted pieces. (For the few that can, please feel free to contact me!)
However, we all look for objects to place in our homes that reflect our ideas, style, philosophies, and beliefs. We look for pieces that communicate something to us on an emotional level. Whether we are aware of it or not, we seek a connection that bridges the gap between us and our possessions. This is where studio furniture comes in.
From start to finish, studio furniture is designed, built, and finished exclusively by human hands. Since it is so intimately formed, quality studio furniture resonates with the passion, spirit, philosophy, and character of its maker. When we connect with such a piece on these levels we are instantly bonded not only to the piece itself, but to the maker as well.
Studio furniture is there to stand alone as a precious object of personal meaning and distinction. It exists to enhance the style and mood of any room and decor. When you have that “special piece” crafted for your home, you not only receive a piece that will last for generations, you will also receive the emotional satisfaction that transcends generations.
To see the available works for purchase from Adam King Studio, please click here. If you would like to discuss a custom designed piece for your home, please contact the Studio.
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